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Kentucky Conservatives

Although not always in complete agreement about all issues, Conservatives must work together. Creating, supporting, and growing an alternative system of cultural influence, one more in line with our values system, is an absolute necessity. Please support the following Conservative content creators and organizations. 

Patriot Point examines current events using Christ, the Constitution, and common sense. Hosted by military veteran Lee Watts, Th.D., the channel focuses on Kentucky-specific issues.

The Family Foundation stands for Kentucky families and the Biblical values that make them strong by advocating for God-honoring public policy in our Commonwealth.

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KY Liberty Caucus a liberty-oriented think tank dedicated to promoting principled, limited, constitutional government.

The Commonwealth Policy Center (CPC) is dedicated to preserving the bedrock values of life, religious liberty, marriage, and fiscal responsibility in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. It affirms as stated in the Kentucky Constitution that our civil, political and religious liberties come from God.

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Kentucky Right to Life is a state affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee. We believe every human life is valuable, from the moment of fertilization, because every human life is created in the image of God (Psalm 139). We primarily serve the Commonwealth of Kentucky

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Take Back Kentucky is a coalition of individuals and organizations that have come together on the issues of today. We may disagree at times, but agree on several issues in which we work together on to advance.


Andrew Cooperrider is a conservative small business owner who has gained insight, knowledge, and a passion for state politics through his involvement over the years. Many people will remember when Andrew was first thrust into the political spotlight during covid lockdowns.

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Ashland, KY, USA

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