Boyd County Conservatives
State Offices

Kentucky General Assembly
The Kentucky General Assembly is the state legislature of Kentucky, made up of the Kentucky Senate and the Kentucky House of Representatives. The General Assembly is responsible for making laws, setting state policy, and representing the people of Kentucky. How it works: The General Assembly meets annually in Frankfort, Kentucky. Both the Senate and the House must approve a bill before it becomes law. The General Assembly can also impeach the governor or other civil officers. The General Assembly judges contested elections for governor and lieutenant governor. Structure: The General Assembly has 138 members, including 38 senators and 100 representatives. Senators serve four-year terms, with half of the Senate elected every two years. Representatives serve two-year terms. Other responsibilities: The General Assembly determines the duties and services of the government. The General Assembly levies taxes and appropriates funds for government operations. The General Assembly sets the public policy for the state.
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Kentucky Circuit Court Judges and Clerk
Kentucky is home to 57 circuit courts and 95 circuit judges. Each court represents one to four counties. Kentucky Circuit Court 32 represents Boyd County. These courts have jurisdiction over capital offenses, felonies, land disputes, contested probates of wills and general civil litigation in disputes involving more than $4,000. They can also hear appeals from district courts and administrative agencies. The circuit courts contain a family division, which retains primary jurisdiction in cases dealing with marriage, divorce, adoption, custody and termination of parental rights. Circuit court judges serve eight-year terms and are selected in nonpartisan elections. In the event of a mid-term vacancy, the governor may appoint a replacement from candidates recommended by the Kentucky Judicial Nominating Commission.